Thursday 12 January 2017


Teenage ATM robbery gang who targeted pensioners jailed after sparking UK-wide hunt

Three men who sparked a UK wide search after a spate of robberies at ATM machines in Scotland have been caged for more than a year each. 

Felix Stoica, 19, Forin Geblescu, 18, and Piper Dumitri 18, targeted machines all over the country and stole cash from people including an 84-year-old pensioner.

Police Scotland circulated a UK wide bulletin to try and identify the teenagers - leading to police in Manchester and Wirral recognising them.

In August last year Stoica was given two years, Geblescu 16 months and Dumitri eight months behind bars for a similar offence in Merseyside.

Monday 9 January 2017

World Film - Rififi


Budget: $200,000
Stars: Jules Dassin, Robert Manuel, Carl Mohner, Jean Servais
Genre: Film Noir, crime, drama
Box office:$257,749
Production: Rialto
Certificate: Unrated
Marketing: Trailer, youtube videos.
It's a remake of Rififi that was first released in 1955, this would mean the film would already have fans or people who already know about the film.
Release Date: September 2, 2015

'Jules Dassin's classic jewel-thief caper of 1955 looks as smart as paint, with its unendurably tense, entirely wordless robbery section.'

'If elements of it seem overly familiar now, that's only because they were done first here, and picked up by every heist film that followed.'

'The father of all caper films.'

US Independant lm - Dope


Budget: $7 Million
Stars: A$AP Rocky, Shameik Moore, Kiersey Clemons, Chanel Iman, Zoe Kravitz, Tyga.
Genre: Comedy / drama
Box office: $17.5 million
Production: Open Road Films
Certificate: R
Marketing: Trailer, posters, released posters of every character as they got closer to the release date.
Release Date: June 19, 2015
'I felt like the jarring use of violence was intentional, meant to remind the audience that this situation is truly dangerous every time we got too comfortable while enjoying the laughs.'

'It's true the movie, like bad dope, was cut with too many genres, therefore choppy, but metaphorically, representative of the sampling style of the 90's, which "Dope' satirizes.

'The movie is worth its flaws in bitcoin. Zoe Kravitz, a flawless Lisa Bonet - wrong, more like Natalie (Halle Berry), in 'Strictly Business', another unsung 90's treasure.'

Thursday 1 December 2016

UK Production - Fantastic beasts and where to find them.

Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

Budget: $180 million / £141 million
Stars: Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol.
Genre: Fantasy
Box Office:$607 million /  £476 million
Production: Warner Bros
Certificate: PG 12
Marketing: 3 Posters were released with the main character, Eddie Redmayne, standing in the centre. Said that the film was a 'new era' of wizard franchise.
They also released 9 other posters getting closer to the release data of the main characters profiles.
It is set before the Harry Potter FRANCHISE which would draw in huge amounts of viewers.
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them was also a book written by JK Rowling, this means that people will have already read the book and would want to watch the film too if they had liked the book.
Fantastic beasts and where to find them is a film that a lot of people will watch, it is being shown in multi plex cinemas which will attract a lot of people. Its also a film that isn't using big well known actors to make people watch the film.
Release Date: November 18, 2016
'It's spectacular and promising, though at first exposure its characters (human and otherwise) are often as grating as charming.'
'Fantastic Beasts is perfectly acceptable mainstream fare. A refreshingly non-cynical family-friendly film - it has enough charm, great new characters, and entertaining scenes.'
'The film strains considerably under the weight of all its plot lines-it's never fun to be the movie with the origin story.'

This film is mainly full of positive reviews, however there are still a few viewers who don't like it as they think its just writing of the Harry Potter series.

US blockbuster -San Andreas


Budget: $165 million / £132 million
Stars: Dwayne Johnson (now the most paid actor), Alexandra Dadarrio, Paul Giamatti, Ioan Gruffudd, Carla Gugino.
Genre: Action Drama
Box Office: $360 million / £288million
Production: Warner Bros. (New Line)
Certificate: 12
Marketing: Trailer, posters, Nepal earthquake near time of release brought attention to the film.
Release Date: May 29, 2015
'This movie was so bad that it actually made me angry. I didn't think it was possible to make a more ridiculously stupid disaster movie than 2012.
'Hilariously dumb and manipulative'
'This was one of the worst examples of Hollywood smearing money on something until a room full of idiots gives texted approvals.'
'I LOVED it on the screen in reality i hope it never happens here but we all know its just matter of time.' 
'I liked the storyline though and the visual effects were awesome!'

This film is mainly negative reviews, this is because people think that its all blown out of proportion and it way over the top and isn't realistic at all. However there are still some viewers who like the action in the film.

Monday 7 November 2016

The Shining Analysis

The opening shot into the scene starts with a long shot of Danny riding his bike down the corridor and then he turns off the screen, this gives a sense of the watcher not knowing where he's gone and where the next scene will be. It then cuts to the camera tracking Danny as he rides his bike through the corridors of the hotel, this is because it makes you feel like you are him and you don't know what could be round the next corner, this is better than cutting every time he goes round the corner because that would be boring and wouldn't have the same scary effect and wouldn't create tension as Danny goes around the corner. As he turns around the last corner in the background of the scene, at the end of the corridor, it shows two girls standing still. This is done because it catches the watcher off guard as normally it would use a jump scare whereas this it adds the girls in naturally and the tracking of the boy stops. This is done because it wants to create suspense as you don't know whats going to happen next as we haven't seen these girls before. It then does a close up on Danny's face, this is done to show his emotion and how shocked and scared he is. It then cuts back to show the girls in the background and everything is still. It does this as a shot reverse shot because it increases the tension as you don't know whats coming next and so when it cuts to the same scene that has happened already it increases suspense as the none diagetic music is staying the same loudness and makes you feel even more scared for what comes next it also adds a lot of loud symbol noises to scare you. It then cuts to a shot of the two girls dead with blood all around them with an axe nearby. This is done as a sort of jumps scare, it also makes you as the audience feel like the place isn't safe as you thought before. Throughout this scene the music is a slow steady and is used to scare you and make you feel uneasy, when danny turns the corner and see's the girls a loud symbol noise is used as a mini jump scare.

This clip starts off with Jack creeping out the shadows towards Wendy. He is shown as a black silhouette as it makes him look mysterious and makes you think he's going to do something. Wendy is in the background clenching her bat, this is to enforce to the audience that she doesn't feel safe and that she needs to defend herself. Its set in low key lighting, this is a big part of mise en scene as if the scene was set in a bright sunny lighting then the scene wouldn't be as dramatic and tense. It then cuts to a mid shot of Wendy crying, this is used to show the amount of fear in her face as she knows something bad could happen. It then does a tracking shot on Jack and he stops in front of the window that light is shining through. This is done because it gives Jack a dark and mysterious look and gives connotations of someone evil, this makes you think that Jack is about to do something to Wendy. It then cuts to a tracking shot reverse shot between Jack and Wendy because Jack is hunting Wendy. This gives the effect of Wendy being hunted an stalked by Jack and that something bad is going to happen. As Wendy is walking upstairs being tracked by Jack its in a over the shoulder shot and Jack is still show i shadow making him seem mysterious. Its set in low key lighting but outside the window is high key lighting, this could show fear and that Wendy wants to get outside to the light but she's stuck inside the dark with Jack. The back lighting also creates shadow on jacks face creating a mysterious effect to him, this to me makes me feel more scared and wary that something is about to happen and Jack might be the cause of it.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Horror Essay


Hush is a horror film all about a deaf woman who moves house in the middle of nowhere because she has a hobby of writing and she wanted peace to write her stories. But a masked killer appears one night in her window causing fear. The film makes the masked killer seem intimidating and powerful by using low angle shots to make his presence feel big and powerful. Also because the woman is deaf he has overall power over her and making her look useless to him.

The film is majority of the time filmed in low key lighting with darkness in every scene, this is to create shadows that add to the dark and scary effect and makes the audience curious to what is in the dark. It is also used to show that anything could happen at any time. The masked killer starts toying with the woman by banging and making a lot of noise as he now knows she is deaf, it shows the killers face being lit up from the bottom creating a eerie dangerous look for him and make him look intimidating.

The film uses lots of non-diegetic sounds, an example of these is when they add music in the background and gradually builds up and adds a lot of tension to the film and creates suspense. This is part of what makes a horror film a horror and without it then it wouldn't be as scary as if you watched it without sound.

The creator of the film made this film so it has no obvious cuts and it all runs into each other as if it carries on when it doesn't, this could be used to show that she is permanently in danger and is never out of danger, this makes the audience always on the edge of their seats curious for what happens next and prevent the audience from getting bred of the film. There are also no bright colours in the film, this gives the film a sense of gloom and darkness and that only bad things will happen.