Monday 9 January 2017

World Film - Rififi


Budget: $200,000
Stars: Jules Dassin, Robert Manuel, Carl Mohner, Jean Servais
Genre: Film Noir, crime, drama
Box office:$257,749
Production: Rialto
Certificate: Unrated
Marketing: Trailer, youtube videos.
It's a remake of Rififi that was first released in 1955, this would mean the film would already have fans or people who already know about the film.
Release Date: September 2, 2015

'Jules Dassin's classic jewel-thief caper of 1955 looks as smart as paint, with its unendurably tense, entirely wordless robbery section.'

'If elements of it seem overly familiar now, that's only because they were done first here, and picked up by every heist film that followed.'

'The father of all caper films.'

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