Thursday, 13 October 2016

Horror Essay


Hush is a horror film all about a deaf woman who moves house in the middle of nowhere because she has a hobby of writing and she wanted peace to write her stories. But a masked killer appears one night in her window causing fear. The film makes the masked killer seem intimidating and powerful by using low angle shots to make his presence feel big and powerful. Also because the woman is deaf he has overall power over her and making her look useless to him.

The film is majority of the time filmed in low key lighting with darkness in every scene, this is to create shadows that add to the dark and scary effect and makes the audience curious to what is in the dark. It is also used to show that anything could happen at any time. The masked killer starts toying with the woman by banging and making a lot of noise as he now knows she is deaf, it shows the killers face being lit up from the bottom creating a eerie dangerous look for him and make him look intimidating.

The film uses lots of non-diegetic sounds, an example of these is when they add music in the background and gradually builds up and adds a lot of tension to the film and creates suspense. This is part of what makes a horror film a horror and without it then it wouldn't be as scary as if you watched it without sound.

The creator of the film made this film so it has no obvious cuts and it all runs into each other as if it carries on when it doesn't, this could be used to show that she is permanently in danger and is never out of danger, this makes the audience always on the edge of their seats curious for what happens next and prevent the audience from getting bred of the film. There are also no bright colours in the film, this gives the film a sense of gloom and darkness and that only bad things will happen.

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