Thursday 1 December 2016

US blockbuster -San Andreas


Budget: $165 million / £132 million
Stars: Dwayne Johnson (now the most paid actor), Alexandra Dadarrio, Paul Giamatti, Ioan Gruffudd, Carla Gugino.
Genre: Action Drama
Box Office: $360 million / £288million
Production: Warner Bros. (New Line)
Certificate: 12
Marketing: Trailer, posters, Nepal earthquake near time of release brought attention to the film.
Release Date: May 29, 2015
'This movie was so bad that it actually made me angry. I didn't think it was possible to make a more ridiculously stupid disaster movie than 2012.
'Hilariously dumb and manipulative'
'This was one of the worst examples of Hollywood smearing money on something until a room full of idiots gives texted approvals.'
'I LOVED it on the screen in reality i hope it never happens here but we all know its just matter of time.' 
'I liked the storyline though and the visual effects were awesome!'

This film is mainly negative reviews, this is because people think that its all blown out of proportion and it way over the top and isn't realistic at all. However there are still some viewers who like the action in the film.

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